Extreme Heat Safety Tips

Staying safe is a team effort!  

KCAO has joined forces with the Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communications to help keep Californians safer during this summer's extreme heat.  

Heat poses a more significant threat than any other weather hazard. It is crucial to be ready for extreme heat events. Because extreme heat calls for extreme care, KCAO has teamed up to help prepare our community members for the rising temperatures and extreme heat events.  

With extreme heat and heat waves becoming more frequent, we want to focus our efforts on keeping our community safer from extreme heat by raising awareness and preparing at-risk community members.  

What is Extreme Heat? 

An extreme heat event is two or more days and nights of unusually high heat for your region. California is experiencing more frequent episodes of extreme heat, creating a greater danger to Californians from heat-related illnesses. 

We all deserve to be protected, but not everyone can adapt equally, particularly those in our most vulnerable communities. If we start planning now, we can help prevent extreme heat waves from becoming emergencies for older adults, and young children. 

Top 3 Heat Tips  

Stay Cool - Close shades, windows, and blinds. Set air conditioners between 75 and 80 degrees. Try to stay indoors and wear loose, light-colored, lightweight clothing.  

Stay Hydrated - Sip water all day and consider supplementing it with sports drinks. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate you. 

Look After Each Other - Check in on friends, family, and elderly neighbors. Have them do the same for you. 

What to Do During Extreme Heat?  

Make a Plan - As with other serious natural weather events, planning can help protect you and your family.  

Move to a Cooler Place - Find your nearest cooling center or air-conditioned space.  

Know the Signs of Heat-Related Illness - Learn the warning signs to stay safer during extreme heat.  

With extreme heat and heat waves becoming more frequent, we want to focus our efforts on keeping our community safer from extreme heat by raising awareness and preparing at-risk community members.  

To learn more, visit HeatReadyCA.com


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