Agency Overview
Kings Community Action Organization (KCAO) is the federally designated anti-poverty agency for Kings County. KCAO is a private, non-profit organization that was established in 1965 pursuant to the Economic Opportunities Act of 1964. The organization has service sites located in Armona, Avenal, Corcoran, Hanford, Home Garden, Kettleman City, Lemoore, and Stratford. KCAO's mission: Working as a team, KCAO will seek and provide programs that develop self-sufficiency in individuals, families, and communities within Kings County. The agency reaches out to low-income people to address their multiple needs and administers a full range of coordinated programs designed to have a measurable impact on poverty. KCAO envisions a future where Kings County residents and communities will achieve self-sufficiency through the high-quality and client-focused programs of KCAO.
KCAO carries out its mission through a variety of means including, but not limited to, the following:
community-wide needs assessment of needs and strengths;
comprehensive anti-poverty strategies;
provision of a broad range of direct services;
mobilization of financial and non-financial (in-kind) resources;
advocacy on behalf of low-income people; and
partnerships with other community, state, and national organizations.
Since its establishment in 1965, the agency has adapted, revised, and added programs to serve the changing social, educational, and economic needs of low-income members of the community.

Core Values
We bring together the best ideas, skills, experiences and attitudes from our professionals and other resources to deliver optimum solutions to our community’s complex challenges.
We will consistently deliver the highest quality products and/or services possible.
We will maintain an environment that recognizes everyone’s inherent value and encourages achievement of one’s potential.
We are fully dedicated to the achievement of our mission.
We hold ourselves and each other accountable to the community to display the highest ethical and professional standards to promote trust in all we do.
Client Bill of Rights
KCAO Clients have the right to receive the fullest range of available services that promote self sufficiency.
KCAO Clients have the right to receive services for which they are eligible in a respectful, professional manner.
KCAO Clients have the right to receive accurate information about KCAO programs and services.
KCAO Clients have the right to be referred to appropriate community-based programs and services.
KCAO Clients have the right to communicate their unmet needs.
KCAO Clients have the right to provide feedback on the quality of services provided to them.
2023-2025 Strategic Plan
Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.
In 2023, the KCAO Board of Directors adopted the 2024-2025 Community Action Plan. The Community Action Plan was developed by first determining the needs of low-income residents in Kings County through public forums, surveys, and secondary data (U.S. Census). After the community needs were identified, then KCAO developed strategies that will address the needs of low-income individuals and families. The completion of the Community Action Plan was made possible through strong partnerships with local nonprofit and government agencies.