KCAO Head Start Block Party

On May 18, KCAO hosted a Head Start Block Party at Preston Green Learning Center. The event featured free tacos and snow cones, as well as information about community resources from KCAO, the City of Hanford, Proteus, Family Health Care Network, Self Help Enterprise, Kings United Way, and Valley Voices.  

Children's activities and onsite enrollment for KCAO's Early Childhood Education programs were also available. Additionally, Head Start showcased their classrooms, curriculum, and services, including hearing and vision tests.  

Attendees also had the opportunity to receive a COVID-19 vaccination from United Health Centers and a $50 gift card. KCAO plans to host more block parties this summer.  

For updates on future events, follow KCAO on Facebook and Instagram. 



Steve Perry Legacy Group's Visit to Hanford 

The Steve Perry Legacy Group recently visited Hanford. This group, comprised of Steve Perry fans, raises funds in his honor and donates to the community.  

They made a donation to the KCAO Barbara Saville Shelter, marking their second donation to KCAO in the last five years. KCAO expresses gratitude for their contribution and for their efforts in preserving Steve Perry's legacy. 


Head Start Graduations


Head Start’s 59th Birthday