Barbara Saville Shelter

Due to the nature of the facility, intakes are conducted at the Barbara Saville Shelter Business Office; the location of the Barbara Saville Shelter is kept confidential. 

The Barbara Saville Shelter provides shelter and a safe space to intimate partner violence/domestic violence survivors, such as physical, sexual, emotional and economic abuse.

  • intimate partner violence/domestic violence victims with children

  • intimate partner violence/domestic violence victims without children

  • Homeless women with children

  • Homeless women without children

Services are provided using a Culturally Responsible and Trauma Informed Approach.

We can provide support with:

  • Case management

  • Counseling

  • Financial Education

  • Referrals to parenting classes

  • Referrals to child care services

  • Housing support

  • Employment support

  • Safety planning

  • Health & Hygiene

  • Child Education

Intake Process

  • Step 1: Phone Call or In Person

    Client reaches out to 559-585-1018 or 1-877-727-3225. Client goes to the Barbara Saville Shelter Business Office.  A crisis data entry form is completed.

  • Step 2: Meeting with Intake Specialist

    Once data entry form is completed, Intake Specialist will determine eligibility and room availability.

  • Step 3: Intake

    Client is scheduled for an intake. Shelter is notified of intake information. Documents are reviewed & signed.

  • Step 4: Transportation

    Upon competition of forms, Intake Specialist or Shelter Advocate will transport client to the shelter. If the client has their own vehicle they will follow.

  • Step 5: Arrival to Shelter

    Intake Specialist or Shelter Advocate will show client(s) how to enter the shelter, assure them of their safety, and quickly glance around.

  • Step 6: Food/Drink

    Intake Specialist or Shelter Advocate will offer food and/or drink to client(s) prior to next steps.

  • Step 7: Room Introduction

    Advocate will assign a room to the client and/or family. A room key will be provided along with hygiene bags.

  • Step 8: Shelter Staff Introductions

    Advocate will introduce client to Shelter staff and Shelter Interns.

  • Step 9: Adapting to new environment

    Client will be left to adapt to their new surroundings and adjust for a few days.

  • Step 10: Case Management

    Shelter Coordinator assigns a Case Manager to the client. Case Manage will introduce themselves to client & begin working on a case plan.

If you are experiencing intimate partner violence/domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, or are a survivor of human sex trafficking call the 24 Hour Crisis Hotline 1-877-727-3225.

Call the Crisis Hotline 1-877-727-3225

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a contact email for the Barbara Saville Shelter? 

The best way to contact the Barbara Saville Shelter is to contact the Barbara Saville Shelter Business Office or the 24-hour Crisis Line at 1-877-727-3225. Staff can address any questions.